Monday, August 28, 2006


Well, school started today. Well, for Northern AZ it did anyway. I won't go inot the whole thing, but, I am not going this semester. I found out today (yes, a couple hours before my first class..) that I was going to have to drop all of my classes. I have gone through many, many frames of mind today. The first, stress about starting classes, not having books, etc. Next, stress and humiliation at not being able to attend school. I will pause here...

I have always been of the mindset that finishing high school meant going to college. (well, I still really want my degree, and I will be gong back next semester..) But, it's become an issue of pride for me. I was dreading telling anyone that I'm not in school. That, and I found it really hard ot believe that God doesn't have school in His plans for me right now. So, I had to take a while to sit and pray.. God revealed my pride to me, and He (is still) giving me peace about it.

Well, now I feel ok about it, and I even have another job lined up already with Ryan the Roaster :). He's opening up a little coffee shack and it's going to be part of the White Dove (coffee house I already work at.. btw, Ryan also happens to be the best coffee Roaster in the world),. Praise the Lord! My mind set now? Breathe... for the first time in months I think.

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