Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I'm at home right now sitting in my sister's room listening to Emma read the Chronicles of Narnia to Maggie. It's a bed time ritual for them. They're two of the most selfless people I know, Emma and Maggie are.

Growing up, Emma was the one who would do anything you asked her too no matter the inconvenience to herself. Well she may not wear a baseball cap 24-7 anymore (that's been replaced by headphones), and she may not have an armful of baby dolls with her at every second, but she still has the heart of a servant. It's such a beautiful heart.

Maggie is a people person. From the time she was 2 or 3 she was the unofficial church greeter. She walked around the church being her bubbly little happy self introducing herself to newcomers, or chatting with old friends, or gettin her hug fix from "Darlin". She's always been eager to make other people happy. Her heart is full of love for others. I know every person in our family has been given encouraging little pictures/notes or other items she finds joy in giving away.

Bethany, she is the life of the house. She is the hugger, the laugher, the crier, the creator. I think she got all of the creativity in the family, whether it be food, clothes, or art she is always making something new. She's one of those people you want around to make life fun and bright. And sometimes (more and more often) she surprises you with these thoughts about God and life that make you pause and think, Wow, that's incredible. Behind the silly-ness is a very thoughtful and extremely smart girl.

Everyone loves my parents. They're so different from each other, but they're perfect together. My dad is amazing. Tonight I went to the prayer meeting at RPBC and watched him as he talked about knowing more about God. eventually, he was so caught up in what he was talking about, he was leaning over the table, eyes shining and voice full of joy. I love more than anything else to listen to my dad, whether he is talking or singing. Anytime I'm feeling unsure about things all I need is to see him or hear him talk and everything seems right again. well, I could go on and on.. I love talking about him to people :)

My mom is so special. She makes me laugh all the time, my friends love being around her. If my mom is happy, all of us are happy, and if she's not home we all feel something is completely out of place. She is devoted to loving us and loving the Lord. She is very strong in times of stress or need. Times like right now. She is the glue that holds everything together. One time I heard one of her older sisters asking for advice, and I remember thinking she's so full of wisdom in the way she handles everything, especially raising us. She is a lot like the proverbs 31 woman. Love you mom!

And that's my family.. my best memories are all with them. Especially decorating the tree :)! camping, long drives, monopoly (trying to beat my dad but never being able to), building forts, dressing up, playing school (don't ask me why though), laughing at Bear talk in his New Joisey accent, laughig til we're all in tears at the dinner table, pumpkin picking, etc

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